Credit Union dividend rates are reviewed quarterly and voted on by the Board of Directors. Dividends are declared and paid from current income. Rates will change from time to time as governed by income and general economic conditions. In the Board meeting on December 12, 2024 for fourth quarter rates were declared as shown below. Posting date will be January 1, 2025.
New Rate - 1% Annual Percentage Yield
*Applicable to all accounts with a balance of $25 or more.
We all understand that many economic challenges face us as we carefully move forward in 2025. The Credit Union will continue to operate in a conservative and prudent manner, always paying the highest possible dividends, and always working to insure the safety and soundness of our association.
The Credit Union offers a full spectrum of consumer loans designed to fit the needs of our diverse membership. Please call for current loan rates and to discuss your particular need with one of our experienced lending team.